
Hide me now

A small tool application that allows you to hide any desktop applicaion on your computer....


Hide Me

HideMe allows you to control what applications will be visible or invisible....



Hide My Crap!

Hide My Crap! is a free and useful application which can hide file and folders. As always, Hide My Crap! is free, open source, and doesn´t contain any spyware or malware. Features: Ability to hide an ...


Hide Caesar 2

Hide Caesar is back with new levels, in which you have to protect golden coins bearing the image of Julius Caesar from the stones that will rain down on them. Use the mouse to place the different obje...


Hide and Reveal

Hide & Reveal is both an open-source steganography software and a java library distributed under the GPL. It is primarily designed for scientists wishing to experiment new hiding techniques or stegana...
