The Holistic Way

The Holistic Way To Health Happiness And Harmony The Holistic Way to Health,...

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The Holistic Way Description

The Holistic Way To Health Happiness And HarmonyThe Holistic Way to Health, Happiness and Harmony contains one hundred and eight prescriptions, being the distilled essence of ancient Hindu wisdom, ranging from astropalmic analysis, practice of the eight limbs of Yoga to maintain a perfect body, mind-vacuuming or meditation to ensure a stress-free life, breath regulation, twenty-two varied ways of relaxing the mind and the body, eleven diet axioms and eleven wonderfoods to be taken daily, practical suggestions for choosing life-partners and making marriages joyous, meaningful and long lasting, ideas for creating a beautiful environment at home by using the lucky colours to the more esoteric awakening of Kundalini or creative power, the development of spirituality through four different paths or a mix of the four, the four main goals of life and the four stages of life and how the two can be beautifully interlinked, the concept of enjoyment leading to liberation and finally the philosophy of advaita which stresses the oneness of all creation, united by an underlying common Spirit so as to enable us to forget the artificial barriers and confrontational divisions based on sex, race, colour. nationality, religion, etcThis book is an invaluable guide and companion to all those who aspire for strong and healthy bodies, happy relationships and a harmonious world.

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