
NullableTypes for .NET are a very reliable and efficient version of built-in value-types that can be Null.

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NullableTypes Description

NullableTypes for .NET are a very reliable and efficient version of built-in value-types that can be Null. NullableTypes for .NET are a very reliable and efficient version of built-in value-types that can be Null. NullableTypes pass more than 800 differents test cases and have close-to-optimal efficiency as built-in value-types. They may be used every time you need to store a Null value in a .NET built-in value-type.Types implemented by NullableTypes are: NullableBoolean, NullableByte, NullableInt16, NullableInt32, NullableInt64, NullableSingle, NullableDouble, NullableDecimal, NullableString and NullableDateTime.Helper functions provide seamless integration with Windows and ASP.NET user controls and with ADO.NET.NullableTypes will let you write code like this: public sealed class Order{ public int OrderID {get {/*...*/}} public int CustomerID {get {/*...*/}} public NullableDateTime RequestedDeliveryDate {get {/*...*/}} // remaining members elided for clarity }where RequestedDeliveryDate can be either NullableDateTime.Null or a valid DateTime value.The property RequestedDeliveryDate.IsNull tests if the date is Null, and when it is not Null the property RequestedDeliveryDate.Value returns a valid DateTime value.

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