TornadIO server implementation on top of Tornado framework

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  • The Apache License 2.0
  • Publisher Name:
  • Serge S. Koval

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TornadIO Description server implementation on top of Tornado framework TornadIO is an implementation of the Socket.IO realtime transport library on top of the Tornado framework.ConfigurationYou can configure your handler by passing settings to the get_router function as a dict object. * enabled_protocols: This is a list of the protocols the server will respond requests for. Possibilities are: * websocket: HTML5 WebSocket transport * flashsocket: Flash emulated websocket transport. Requires Flash policy server running on port 843. * xhr-multipart: Works with two connections - long GET connection with multipart transfer encoding to receive updates from the server and separate POST requests to send data from the client. * xhr-polling: Long polling AJAX request to read data from the server and POST requests to send data to the server. If message is available, it will be sent through open GET connection (which is then closed) or queued on the server otherwise. * jsonp-polling: Similar to the xhr-polling, but pushes data through the JSONp. * htmlfile: IE only. Creates HTMLFile control which reads data from the server through one persistent connection. POST requests are used to send data back to the server. * session_check_interval: Specifies how often TornadIO will check session container for expired session objects. In seconds. * session_expiry: Specifies session expiration interval, in seconds. For polling transports it is actually maximum time allowed between GET requests to consider virtual connection closed. * heartbeat_interval: Heartbeat interval for persistent transports. Specifies how often heartbeat events should be sent from the server to the clients. * xhr_polling_timeout: Timeout for long running XHR connection for xhr-polling transport, in seconds. If no data was available during this time, connection will be closed on server side to avoid client-side timeouts. Requirements: · Python

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