
Cocoa for Python

NSPython Ranking & Summary


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  • MIT/X Consortium Lic...
  • Price:
  • FREE
  • Publisher Name:
  • Juraj Sukop
  • Publisher web site:
  • http://bitbucket.org/sukop/

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NSPython Description

NSPython is a simple Python library for using Objective C, Foundation and Application Kit Frameworks, also known as Cocoa.InstallCopy the package to Python search path and that should be it.It requires cffi, a Foreign Function Interface package for calling C libraries from Python.OverviewObjective C:@"hello"@selector(setDelegate:);;; initWithUTF8String:"hello"] autorelease];;With NSPython you instead say:at('hello')sel('setDelegate:')myObject.delegate()myObject.setVariable_anotherVariable_(True, False)NSString.stringWithUTF8String_('hello')NSString.alloc().initWithUTF8String_('hello').autorelease()get_super(self).init()SubclassingTo make the methods of your subclass recognizable by Objective C runtime there are two possibilities. If you override a method already present in the superclass, you are done. But if you define completely new method you have to decorate it with type annotations:class MyString(NSString): def initWithUTF8String_(self, string): pass @types('id', 'char *') @classmethod def anotherStringWithUTF8String_(self, string): pass @types('id', 'char *') def anotherInitWithUTF8String_(self, string): passHere is the list of the supported types (for objects just use id, instead of, say, NSString *):BOOL, BOOL *, int, short, long, long long, long long *, unsigned char, unsigned int, unsigned short, unsigned short *, const unsigned short *, unsigned long, unsigned long long, unsigned long long *, float, double, double *, void, void *, const void *, char *, char **, const char *, unichar *, const unichar *, id, id *, Class, SEL, NSInteger, NSUInteger, NSRange, NSRange *, NSRangePointer, CGPoint, CGSize, CGRect, NSPoint, NSSize, NSRectExample(based on Minimalist Cocoa programming)from nspython import *class AppDelegate(NSObject): @types('void', 'id') def applicationWillFinishLaunching_(self, notification): print 'Hello!'NSAutoreleasePool.new()app = NSApplication.sharedApplication()app.setActivationPolicy_(NSApplicationActivationPolicyRegular)appdelegate = AppDelegate.new()app.setDelegate_(appdelegate)menubar = NSMenu.new().autorelease()appMenuItem = NSMenuItem.new().autorelease()menubar.addItem_(appMenuItem)app.setMainMenu_(menubar)appMenu = NSMenu.new().autorelease()appName = NSProcessInfo.processInfo().processName()quitTitle = at('Quit ').stringByAppendingString_(appName)quitMenuItem = NSMenuItem.alloc().initWithTitle_action_keyEquivalent_( quitTitle, sel('terminate:'), at('q')).autorelease()appMenu.addItem_(quitMenuItem)appMenuItem.setSubmenu_(appMenu)window = NSWindow.alloc().initWithContentRect_styleMask_backing_defer_( NSMakeRect(0, 0, 200, 200), NSTitledWindowMask, NSBackingStoreBuffered, False).autorelease()window.cascadeTopLeftFromPoint_(NSMakePoint(20, 20))window.setTitle_(appName)window.makeKeyAndOrderFront_(None)app.activateIgnoringOtherApps_(True)app.run()Referenceload(name) -- loads a dynamic library named namesel(name) -- returns a selector named nametypes(return, *arguments) -- decorator for creating type annotations with return type return and zero or more arguments types.@IBAction -- shorthand for @types('void', 'id')NSObject -- Python wrapper around Cocoa NSObjectget_super(self) -- substitute for Objective C super keywordat(string) -- creates NSString instance from Python stringstr(string) -- converts NSString string to PythonNotesIf you create a struct with, say, NSMakeRect() you have to be careful with the ownership of the allocated memory. That is, this will not work:currentScrollPosition = theScrollView.contentView().bounds().origintheScrollView.documentView().scrollPoint_(currentScrollPosition)because the NSRect returned from bound() might get garbage-collected, destroying origin as well. Instead, write it as follows:b = theScrollView.contentView().bounds()theScrollView.documentView().scrollPoint_(b.origin)Product's homepage

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